Is Maharashtra greater than India Mr. Thackeray

Had no intention to write anything on it but after chatting with a Marathi friend I had to.

My friend reckoned that Maharashtra needs to be saved and though Mr. Thackeray is doing the right thing he is doing it the wrong way. Friend was of the opinion that maharastrian’s needs to wake up… Wake up to what? The threat of fellow Indians?

Yes Mr. Thackeray you have a great state where people from not so prosperous parts of the country come to make their destiny. Same as so many marathis go to more prospers parts of the world. What happens if the leaders in USA, Europe, and Australia take your queue and ask Indians to go back?

Why do we need Pakistan on china to break us apart, we are capable of doing it ourselves.

Desh chalagaya to kya Maharashtra , kya north India aur kya south India.

And for the record I am an Indian from northern part of India.


Maarrun said…
U cldnt resist could u?

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