In my post “Impact of the US housing crisis”dated sep 9. I posted my views on the impact on the Indian Tech sector.
Quote from the post “Overall this turmoil can be a good thing for Indian firms in the long run. This might just force them to look for work in India.”
Now an article from headlined “Rupee ascent forces Infy to focus on India” the link to it ..
Quote form the post “BPO and outsourcing firms will be hit hard in the short term. Firms dealing with the US mortgage industry could already be affected”
Again from “Rising Rupee claims first BPO victim” link to the article
The US dollar continues it March southwards. If you think it has gone down enough wait till Friday 2 Nov 2007… If the US federal reserve cuts its lending rates. God save the dollar if it doesn’t god save the US stock market. Not an expert on anything but if you can…. Invest in gold.
ps:- Like the devil said 'vanity is my favorite sin ' :)