It’s a common myth that Aryans came from Europe. A myth taught as history in
India. It has been proved beyond any doubt that there was no invasion. Aryans were always here. On the contrary they moved out from
India to other parts of the world. Here is the link to an article which systematically disproves the Aryan invasion theory
Vimans Sahstra : If you have studied or heard Ramayana the so called MYTHICAL story of Indians. Ram came back to Ayodhya sitting in Pushpak Viman. Viman translates to flying machine or airplane in modern English. We can dismiss this reference as another fancy imagination of the writer of the epic Ramayana. Or dig deeper into it. Maharshi Bharadwaja one of the seven great sages of ancient India। Wrote a series of books collectively called Vymanika Shastra. It gives details of various types of flying machines, how to build them and fly them. Few pics of the flying machine described in it.

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How many of us know that near the coast of Gujarat near the town of dawarka . Under the sea bed the remains of an ancient city have been found. The size of the city is huge. Is it a coincidence that it happens to be exactly (geographically) at the place where Mahabharata placed Dwarka the capital city of Krishna. And I thought Mahabharata was again a figment of rishi ved vayass imagination. For further read
The ancient texts mention of seven human beings who were immortals. Some cursed some blessed. The seven were Aswa-thama, Bali, Vyas, Hanuman, Vibhisana, Kripacharya and Parashuram. Well spiritually their immortality signifies higher values or lessons. I don’t know if they are actually alive or like most of our ancient texts a MYTH. There have been sightings of a sage with a wound on the forehead in the Himalayas (ref Aswa-thama). But nothing conclusive has been recorded. For spiritual aspects read